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When you text please provide your name, phone number, address, and your order. If you call and reach our voicemail please leave the same information. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible to confirm your order and place you on the schedule. We use 3 hour time slots for deliveries.
Someone over 21 years old with a valid ID must be present upon delivery. You will be required to present your ID to the driver.

Back in ’77, rocker Sammy Hagar performed head-to-toe in solid red:
red shirt, red pants, red shoes - while playing a red Les Paul guitar
and singing his song “RED.” Nicknamed the “Red Rocker” in a concert review, a devoted fan asked Sammy to autograph the review as the “Red Rocker”- the name stuck, and the rest is history. We raise our glass to the legendary Red Rocker with this easy-drinking lager.